
Archive for October, 2006|Monthly archive page

Happy Halloween

In holiday, Hubby on October 31, 2006 at 5:59 pm

Check out the funny for the day. Thanks to one of my co-workers for giving me the “heads up” on this one!

Oh yeah… and happy birthday boss man Jonathan.

The bun is toasting…

In Trisha on October 25, 2006 at 3:11 pm

No not me… stop that!

Trisha’s going in on the 30th to start the process of inducing for Mr. Dawson, her and Andy’s third edition… good luck hun and call me when you’ve got him safe and sound!

Ohhhhh perhaps a Halloween baby… how fun 🙂

Bookings bookings bookings!

In PC on October 25, 2006 at 2:23 pm

I’m pretty excited….

I told you about the show I had last weekend… well we are closing it Nov 1st so that the host/guest specials are for November.

Then I have a show on the 3rd for an old co-worker of mine… which will be a November show…

And then I have another show that just booked for the 18th… another November show.

Now why am I so excited… well we have a consultant promotion going on for November shows! I can get some new products for FREE! Yippy if all goes right!

We also have some great guest and host things going on for the very beginning of next year… love cookware or stoneware? Contact me for more information!

Long over due…

In food, Hubby on October 25, 2006 at 2:14 pm

The brownies… so while I was at the store I didn’t think to pick up oil for the brownies because of course when a staple item is out I write it on my grocery list… when I use it up. But… if I am not the one who uses a staple item up it won’t be written on the grocery list… hummmm is that what happened?

So I suffered with just lasagna… and no brownies until last night.

For dinner last night JT and I had a salad (rabbit food lettuce) which we added chicken strips to and tomatoes along with a baked potato. I also had some crab salad that I whipped up the other day (Famously made by Miss Lisa… who would have thought I would Mayo!). After dinner was done JT started to do the dishes… a rare treat for me if I do say so myself, I on the other hand actually got to sit down and read my new Star Mag while he did the dishes… ahhhhh so this is what it feels like to see someone working.

When he was done with the dishes I decided that dinner was great but I wanted a “sweet” ending with it… so I whipped up the brownies that I finally picked up oil for on my way home from work. YUM-O!

Lasagna and Brownies

In Aldi's, food, Hubby on October 25, 2006 at 1:58 pm

So the other day I figured I would make up a batch of lasagna so we could save some money from our lunches for the cruise. But at the same time I wanted to bake brownies. So…. I made up my grocery list to find that I had most of the ingredients already. The only exceptions were a eggs for the brownies and the cheese for the lasagna.

That being said I figured I couldn’t go to the store for just that! I started looking in the cupboards and noticed that our can goods were pretty low. ALDI’s here I come! Oh but JT wanted Strawberry Ice Cream, cub brand of course because it has huge chunks of real strawberries, so I’ll have to stop there too. Dang it. Well it shouldn’t take me too long.

I yet again forgot where ALDI’s is located. Now I have a note in my car on exactly where it is. I was hoping that it was open… I wasn’t really sure. Well it was. And now my note for my car has the hours and location… I can’t get lost again!

I bought $40 worth of groceries which ended up being 4 boxes of food. Gosh I love that! If I were to purchase this at a store it would have equaled six or seven bags of food… LOVE IT!

Then it was off to Cubs for JT’s ice cream. Why did I look at the ad for this week? All I really needed was the cheese (ALDI’s was the wrong flavor) and the ice cream. That’s it. Here I end up with 2 turkeys, pork chops and more! But it was buy one get one free on the turkeys, and Anna said she would go 1/2 on them with me… which makes a deal of $7 for a turkey… come on… how could I not pick it up!

JT called to find out where I was… apparently me running to the store is suppose to be under twenty minuets… that never happens!

I came home slapped together the lasagna.

Pampered Chef Show

In Hubby, PC on October 25, 2006 at 1:35 pm

Well JT set up a PC show for one of his co-workers for me. It was this past weekend. I made a White Chocolate Raspberry Tart. I hear it was pretty good.

Her show is over $500 right now and isn’t closing until November 1st. wooo hooo… Thanks hun!

Lisa’s found her dress

In dress, Lisa on October 25, 2006 at 1:31 pm

Like I stated before… I can’t go into details… but….
Lisa has found and purchased her dress this past weekend. YEAH!!!
Now onto the wedding party – maids dress and tuxes.

What to pack….

In Honeymoon on October 20, 2006 at 7:53 pm

Upright Rolling suitcase… hey does anyone have an extra one that we can borrow? I have one… but I think we usually fill that up between the two of us for a weekend. And I’m not sure our luggage is up to par I do believe that some zippers have popped on a few!

Help me pack… what do I need?


Sun Glasses
Birth Certificate
Marriage License (dang name change!)
Lippy (chap stick for those who aren’t around me enough to know what I’m talking about!)

Digital Camera
Underwater Camera
Camera Dock for charging
Laptop (for downloading pictures of course… no working! And for music)
Jerome’s MP3 Player
Travel alarm clock
Cell Phone/charger
Flash light

Walking Shoes (tennies)

Bathroom Stuff
contact case/solution/glasses
pit stick
medications/medical kit (band-aids/aspirin/Tylenol/dramamine/other meds)
hair tie thingys
extra duffel bag
Spanish book
Deck of cards

Should we bring or can we bring the following:
Suit for Jerome
Dressy Dress for Kim


Times a tickin!

In Honeymoon on October 20, 2006 at 3:22 pm
Days till our Honeymoon Cruise!
Daisypath Ticker

Well we did it! We are going on a Honeymoon Cruise. We’ll be leaving Miami November 26 for our 7 day Carnival cruise to Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize and Costa Maya. We’ll return December 3rd and I’m taking the 4th off to recover.

If anyone has any advice they would like to share… what to do, where to go, what to bring, things to try while we are in the Caribbean please let me know. This will be our first cruise, so we really have no idea as to what to expect! If anyone wants to pick up or drop off two people at the airport or check in on Lily by all means contact me too!

So… I’ll be here for Thanksgiving and The Day After Thanksgiving Shopping too… woooo whooooo! (Yes, The Day After Thanksgiving Shopping should be capitalized and should be a national holiday!)

Thanks to those who were solicited for advice on which cruise to pick… it’s greatly appreciated… but who cares where it is as long as it’s in the Caribbean!

Jerome’s Cousin is on CSI Miami

In Family on October 17, 2006 at 2:08 am

CSI Miami – click on view now innertube to watch previous show from October 16th called Death Eminent. After an entire neighborhood learns that they are being forced out of their homes, the local politician supporting eminent domain is murdered.

He’s the first Police officer that tells about the eminent domain if you forward to 10:16.